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Pure oxygen injection to hatcheries and fish farms

Air Products supplies high-purity oxygen and Halia® aeration systems to hatcheries and fish farms where oxygen is used in place of air to maintain adequate Dissolved Oxygen (DO) levels. Studies have shown that injecting high-purity oxygen, rather than air, into raceways, tanks and ponds leads to higher levels of productivity and reduced risk of product loss.

How can Air Products help Fish Farms and Hatcheries?

Productivity Increase and Quality Improvement

Allows increase in fish density while reducing stress and maintaining high final product quality

Optimised Fish Growth

Oxygen dosage enables fish growth by providing an appropriate amount of oxygen per kg of fish

Water Consumption Reduction

Increasing the oxygen level allows water flow to be decreased while maintaining microbiologic quality

Lower Energy Costs

Less expense associated with pumping air into the basins

Less Environmental Impact

By controlling the oxygen and water flow, environmental impact is minimised


Oxygen (O₂)

Oxygen (O₂)

Oxygen (O₂) - The oxidizing gas can be used as a respiratory gas or to enrich or replace process air in a variety of industries to optimize performance.

Are you looking to reduce fish stress and mortality?

Look at what pure oxygen injection to your fish farms can do!

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Ask the Expert

Samy Sablayrolles

Commercial Technology Water Solutions, Europe

“What is river oxygenation?”
To provide enough oxygen to the river to cover the needs of the downstream ecosystem. The objective is to preserve alive the fishes by boosting the water with the oxygen necessary to their life.